shift boot installation guide

Looking for a Toyota Supra shift boot? We offer the best ones out there!



1. Remove the center console frame containing the shift boot. This requires removing the plastic radio trim, rear console, and center console with the shift boot.


2. The original shift boot base is sewn around a wire frame shaped in a rectangle (Fig 1) The wire frame snaps into 4 clips on the under side of the console and the shift boot is pulled up through.



3. Prepare a new wire frame by bending piano wire of the same size using the original wire as a template. Piano wire can be bought at most hobby stores. (Original wire frame could also be reused)


4. Make an incision in the hem at the bottom of the RedlineGoods boot. Thread the new boot onto the wire frame working the leather onto the wire in small increments.


5. Once the new boot is on the entire wire frame, close the wire ends with a small piece of tubing or heat shrink.


6. Snap new frame and boot into center console. Install console pieces back into original position (Fig 2)


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